C++ || Class – A Simple Calculator Implementation Using A Class, Enum List, Typedef & Header Files

The following is another homework assignment which was presented in a programming class, that was used to introduce the concept of the class data structure, which is very similar to the struct data structure.
Header Files - How To Use Them
Class - Data Structure
Enumerated List
Do/While Loop
Passing a Value By Reference
Constant Variables
Atoi - Convert String To Int Value
This is an interactive program which simulates a basic arithmetic calculator, where the user has the option of selecting from 9 modes of operation. Of those modes, the user has the option of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing two numbers together. Also included in the calculator is a mode which deducts percentages from any given variable the user desires, so for example, if the user wanted to deduct 23% from the number 87, the program would display the reduced value of 66.99.
A sample of the menu is as followed:
(Where the user would enter numbers 1-9 to select a choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Calculator Options: 1) Clear Calculator 2) Set Initial Calculator Value 3) Display The Current Value 4) Add 5) Subtract 6) Divide 7) Multiply 8) Percentage Calculator 9) Quit Please enter a selection: |
This program was implemented into 3 different files (two .cpp files, and one header file .h). So the code for this program will be broken up into 3 sections, the main file (.cpp), the header file (.h), and the implementation of the functions within the header file (.cpp).
NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> in order for the code to compile.
======== File #1 Main.cpp ========
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// ============================================================================ // This program tests the CCalc class. A loop is entered where the user is // prompted for a simple mathematical operation to be performed by the CCalc // class. The user is allowed to manipulate the calculator until they // indicate they wish to quit. // ============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include "CCalc.h" using namespace std; // defined constants const int LENGTH = 81; // function prototypes void DisplayMenu(); void HandleMenuSelection(CCalc &calcObject, int menuItem); // enumerated list enum MenuChoice { ITEM_CLEAR = 1 , ITEM_SET_VALUE = 2 , ITEM_DISPLAY_VALUE = 3 , ITEM_ADD = 4 , ITEM_SUBTRACT = 5 , ITEM_DIVIDE = 6 , ITEM_MULTIPLY = 7 , ITEM_PERCENT = 8 , ITEM_QUIT = 9}; // ==== main ================================================================== // // ============================================================================ int main() { // variable declarations CCalc calculator; // 'calculator' is an accessor to the 'CCalc' class char myString[LENGTH]; int menuItem=0; // initialize the calculator calculator.SetCurrentValue(0); // loop and let the user manipulate the calculator do{ // display the menu and get the user selection DisplayMenu(); cout << "nPlease enter a selection: "; cin.getline(myString, LENGTH); // convert the ascii string into an integer menuItem = atoi(myString); // creates a line seperator after each task is executed cout<<setfill('-'); cout<<left<<setw(30)<<""<<right<<setw(30)<<""<<endl; // handle the menu selection HandleMenuSelection(calculator, menuItem); cout <<endl; // creates a line seperator after each task is executed cout<<setfill('-'); cout<<left<<setw(30)<<""<<right<<setw(30)<<""<<endl; // ensures the menu isnt displayed twice on the screen if(menuItem!=1 && menuItem!=3 && menuItem!=9) { cin.ignore(); } }while(menuItem!=ITEM_QUIT); cout << "nBye....n"; return 0; } // end of "main" // ==== DisplayMenu =========================================================== // // This function displays the menu of options to stdout. // // Input: nothing // // Output: nothing // // ============================================================================ void DisplayMenu() { cout << "Calculator Options:" << endl; cout << " 1) Clear Calculator" << endl; cout << " 2) Set Initial Calculator Value" << endl; cout << " 3) Display The Current Value" << endl; cout << " 4) Add" << endl; cout << " 5) Subtract" << endl; cout << " 6) Divide" << endl; cout << " 7) Multiply" << endl; cout << " 8) Percentage Calculator" << endl; cout << " 9) Quit" << endl; } // end of "DisplayMenu" // ==== HandleMenuSelection =================================================== // // This function handles the menu selection by examining the input integer // value and calling the appropriate function. // // Input: // calculator -- a reference to the CCalc class // // menuItem -- an integer representing the current menu selection // // Output: // The desired user selection // // ============================================================================ void HandleMenuSelection(CCalc &calculator, int menuItem) { double currentValue = 0; double prevNum = calculator.GetPreviousValue(); // checks to see which user defined selection the calculator will execute // as defined in the enum list located above the main function. // A switch would be more practical to be used here, but i wasnt // comfortable yet using switches when this program was initially made if (menuItem == ITEM_CLEAR) { cout << "nThe current value is " << calculator.Clear() << endl; } // set a initial value else if (menuItem == ITEM_SET_VALUE) { cout << "nPlease enter a new value to assign: "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.SetCurrentValue(currentValue); } // display current value else if (menuItem == ITEM_DISPLAY_VALUE) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // add current number by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_ADD) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a number to be added to "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.Add(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" + "<<currentValue<<" = "<< calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // subtract current number by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_SUBTRACT) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a number to be subtracted from "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.Subtract(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" - "<<currentValue<<" = " << calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // divide current value by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_DIVIDE) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a divisor to be divided by "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; if (currentValue == 0) { cout << "nSorry, division by zero is not allowed...nPlease press ENTER to continue..."; cin.get(); } else { calculator.Divide(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" "<<char(246)<<" "<<currentValue<<" = " << calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } } // multiply current value by another number else if (menuItem == ITEM_MULTIPLY) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a number to be multiplied by "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; calculator.Multiply(currentValue); cout << "n"<<prevNum<<" x "<<currentValue<<" = " << calculator.DisplayCurrentValue() <<endl; } // convert value to decimal percent else if (menuItem == ITEM_PERCENT) { cout << "nThe current value is: "<< prevNum <<endl; cout << "nPlease enter a percentage to be deducted from "<<prevNum<<": "; cin >> currentValue; cout << "n"<<currentValue<<"% off of "<<prevNum<<" is " << calculator.GetPercentage(currentValue) <<endl; } // quit program else if (menuItem == ITEM_QUIT) { cout << "nCalculator will now quit"; } // user entered an invalid choice else { cout << "nYou have entered an invalid command...nPlease press ENTER to try again."; } } // http://programmingnotes.org/ |
======== File #2 CCalc.h. ========
Remember, you need to name the header file the same as the #include from the main.cpp file. This file contains the function declarations, but no implementation of those functions takes place here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
// ============================================================================ // File: CCalc.h // ============================================================================ // This is the header file for the CCalc class. // ============================================================================ #ifndef CCALC_HEADER #define CCALC_HEADER // a typedef statement to create a synonym for // the 'double' data type named "CCalcType" typedef double CCalcType; class CCalc // this is the 'CCalc' class declaration { public: // constructor CCalc(); // initializes variables // member functions void Add(CCalcType value); // adds numbers together CCalcType Clear(); // clears the current number in the calculator void Divide(CCalcType value); // divides numbers together CCalcType DisplayCurrentValue(); // displays the current value in the calculator CCalcType GetPreviousValue(); // returns the previous value in the calculator CCalcType GetPercentage(CCalcType value); // deducts a user specified percentage of a given value void Multiply(CCalcType value); // multiplies numbers together void SetCurrentValue(CCalcType value); // set a current value in the calculator void Subtract(CCalcType value); // subtracts two numbers together // destructor ~CCalc(); // deletes any variables contained in the class private: CCalcType m_total; // private variable used within the program }; #endif // CCALC_HEADER -- http://programmingnotes.org/ |
======== File #3 CCalc.cpp. ========
This is the function implementation file for the CCalc.h class. This file can be named anything you wish as long as you #include “CCalc.h”
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// ============================================================================ // File: CCalc.cpp // ============================================================================ // This is the function implementation file for the CCalc.h class. // ============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include "CCalc.h" using namespace std; CCalc::CCalc() // this is the constructor { m_total = 0; }// end of CCalc void CCalc::Add(CCalcType value) { m_total += value; }// end of Add CCalcType CCalc::Clear() { m_total = 0; return m_total; }// end of Clear void CCalc::Divide(CCalcType value) { m_total /= value; }// end of Divide CCalcType CCalc::DisplayCurrentValue() { return m_total; }// end of DisplayCurrentValue CCalcType CCalc::GetPreviousValue() { return m_total; }// end of GetPreviousValue void CCalc::Multiply(CCalcType value) { m_total *= value; }// end if Multiply void CCalc::SetCurrentValue(CCalcType value) { m_total = value; }// end of SetValue void CCalc::Subtract(CCalcType value) { m_total -= value; }// end of Subtract CCalcType CCalc::GetPercentage(CCalcType value) { CCalcType percent= value/100; CCalcType tempTotal = m_total; tempTotal *= percent; m_total -= tempTotal; return m_total; }// end of GetPercentage CCalc::~CCalc() // this is the destructor { m_total = 0; }// http://programmingnotes.org/ |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 0
------------------------------------------------------------You have entered an invalid command...
Please ENTER to try again.
------------------------------------------------------------Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 2
------------------------------------------------------------Please enter a new value to assign: 2
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 3
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 2
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 4
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 2
Please enter a number to be added to 2: 2
2 + 2 = 4
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 5
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 4
Please enter a number to be subtracted from 4: 6
4 - 6 = -2
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 6
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: -2
Please enter a divisor to be divided by -2: -2
-2 ÷ -2 = 1
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 7
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 1
Please enter a number to be multiplied by 1: 87
1 x 87 = 87
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 8
------------------------------------------------------------The current value is: 87
Please enter a percentage to be deducted from 87: 23
23% off of 87 is 66.99
Calculator Options:
1) Clear Calculator
2) Set Initial Calculator Value
3) Display The Current Value
4) Add
5) Subtract
6) Divide
7) Multiply
8.) Percentage Calculator
9) QuitPlease enter a selection: 9
------------------------------------------------------------Calculator will now quit
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