C++ || Searching An Integer Array For A Target Value

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Here is another actual homework assignment which was presented in an intro to programming class.


Integer Arrays
For Loops
If/Else Statements

This is a small and simple program which demonstrates how to search for a target value that is stored in an integer array. This program prompts the user to enter five values into an int array. After the user has entered all the values, it displays a prompt asking the user for a search value. Once it has the search value, the program will search through the array looking for the target; wherever the value is found, it will display the index location. After it displays all the locations where the value is found, it will display the total number of occurrences the search value was found within the array.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:
Note: The code was compiled 3 separate times to display the different outputs its able to produce

Please enter 5 integer values:
#1: 12
#2: 12
#3: 12
#4: 12
#5: 12
Please enter a search value: 12

12 was found at array index #0
12 was found at array index #1
12 was found at array index #2
12 was found at array index #3
12 was found at array index #4

The total occurrences of value 12 within the array is: 5

Please enter 5 integer values:
#1: 12
#2: 87
#3: 45
#4: 87
#5: 33
Please enter a search value: 87

87 was found at array index #1
87 was found at array index #3

The total occurrences of value 87 within the array is: 2

Please enter 5 interger values:
#1: 54
#2: 67
#3: 98
#4: 45
#5: 98
Please enter a search value: 123

The total occurrences of value 123 within the array is: 0

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