Tag Archives: if/else

Java || Find The Prime, Perfect & All Known Divisors Of A Number Using A For, While & Do/While Loop

This program was designed to better understand how to use different loops which are available in Java, as well as more practice using objects with classes.

This program first asks the user to enter a non negative number. After it obtains a non negative integer from the user, the program determines if the user obtained number is a prime number or not, aswell as determining if the user obtained number is a perfect number or not. After it obtains its results, the program will display to the screen if the user inputted number is prime/perfect number or not. The program will also display a list of all the possible divisors of the user obtained number via stdout.


Class Objects - How TO Use
Constructors - What Are They?
Do/While Loop
While Loop
For Loop
Basic Math - Prime Numbers
Basic Math - Perfect Numbers
Basic Math - Divisors

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:

Enter a number: 41

Input number: 41
41 is a prime number.
41 is not a perfect number.
Divisors of 41 are: 1, and 41

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): y
Enter a number: 496

Input number: 496
496 is not a prime number.
496 is a perfect number.
Divisors of 496 are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 62, 124, 248, and 496

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): y
Enter a number: 1858

Input number: 1858
1858 is not a prime number.
1858 is not a perfect number.
Divisors of 1858 are: 1, 2, 929, and 1858

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): y
Enter a number: -9

Sorry, but the number entered is less than the allowable limit.
Please try again.....

Enter an number: 12

Input number: 12
12 is not a prime number.
12 is not a perfect number.
Divisors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): n

Java || Find The Average Using an Array – Omit Highest And Lowest Scores

This page will consist of two programs which calculates the average of a specific amount of numbers using an array.


Double Data Type
Final Variables
For Loops
Assignment Operators
Basic Math - How To Find The Average


The first program is fairly simple, and it was used to introduce the array concept. The program prompts the user to enter the total amount of numbers they want to find the average for, then the program displays the answer to them via stdout.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

Notice the array declaration on line #13. The type of array being used in this program is a dynamic array, which has the ability to store up to 100 integer elements in the array. You can change the number of elements its able to store to a higher or lower number if you wish.

Lines 27-32 contains a for loop, which is used to actually store the data inside of the array. Without some type of loop, it is virtually impossible for the user to input data into the array; that is, unless you want to add 100 different println statements into your code asking the user to input data. Line 31 uses the assignment operator “+=” which gives us a running total of the data that is being inputted into the array. Note the loop only stores as many elements as the user so desires, so if the user only wants to input 3 numbers into the array, the for loop will only execute 3 times.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

How many numbers do you want to find the average for?: 4
Enter value #1: 21
Enter value #2: 24
Enter value #3: 19
Enter value #4: 17
The average of the 4 numbers is 20.25


The second program is really practical in a real world setting. We were asked to create a program for a fictional competition which had 6 judges. The 6 judges each gave a score of the performance for a competitor in a competition, (i.e a score of 1-10), and we were asked to find the average of those scores, omitting the highest/lowest results. The program was to store the scores into an array, display the scores back to the user via stdout, display the highest and lowest scores among the 6 obtained, display the average of the 6 scores, and finally display the average adjusted scores omitting the highest and lowest result.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

A final variable was declared and used to initialize the array (line 7). This was used to initialize the size of the array.

Once again loops were used to traverse the array, as noted on lines 24, 51 and 73. The final variable was also used within the for loops, making it easier to modify the code if its necessary to reduce or increase the number of available judges.

This is noted on lines 35-45, and it is really simple to understand the process once you see the code.

Lines 73-81 highlights this process. The loop basically traverses the array, skipping over the highest/lowest elements.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Judges, enter one score each for
the current competitor: 123 453 -789 2 23345 987

These are the scores from the 6 judges:
The score for judge #1 is: 123.0
The score for judge #2 is: 453.0
The score for judge #3 is: -789.0
The score for judge #4 is: 2.0
The score for judge #5 is: 23345.0
The score for judge #6 is: 987.0

These are the highest and lowest scores:
Highest: 23345.0
Lowest: -789.0
The average score is: 4020.1666666666665
The average adjusted score omitting the highest and lowest result is: 391.25

Java || Whats My Name? – Practice Using Strings, Methods & Switch Statemens

Here is another actual homework assignment which was presented in an intro to programming class. This program highlights more use using strings, modules, and switch statements.


How To Get String Input
If/Else Statements
Methods (A.K.A "Functions") - What Are They?
Switch Statements - How To Use Them
Equal - String Comparison

This program first prompts the user to enter their name. Upon receiving that information, the program saves input into a string called “firstName.” The program then asks if the user has a middle name. If they do, the user will enter a middle name. If they dont, the program proceeds to ask for a last name. Upon receiving the first, [middle], and last names, the program will append the first, [middle], and last names into a completely new string titled “fullName.” Lastly, if the users’ first, [middle], or last names are the same, the program will display that data to the screen via stdout. The program will also display to the user the number of characters their full name contains using the built in function “length.”

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Note: The code was compiled five separate times to display the different outputs its able to produce

====== RUN 1 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter your first name: My
Do you have a middle name?(Y/N): y
Please enter your middle name: Programming
Please enter your last name: Notes

The total number of characters in your name is: 18
And your full name is My Programming Notes

====== RUN 2 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter your first name: Programming
Do you have a middle name?(Y/N): n
Please enter your last name: Notes

The total number of characters in your name is: 16
And your full name is Programming Notes

====== RUN 3 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter your first name: Notes
Do you have a middle name?(Y/N): y
Please enter your middle name: Notes
Please enter your last name: Notes

Your first and middle name are the same
Your middle and last name are the same
Your first and last name are the same

The total number of characters in your name is: 15
And your full name is Notes Notes Notes

====== RUN 4 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter your first name: My
Do you have a middle name?(Y/N): n
Please enter your last name: My

Your first and last name are the same

The total number of characters in your name is: 4
And your full name is My My

====== RUN 5 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter your first name: My
Do you have a middle name?(Y/N): z

Please press either 'Y' or 'N'
Program exiting...

Java || Count The Total Number Of Characters, Vowels, & UPPERCASE Letters Contained In A Sentence Using A ‘For Loop’

Here is a simple program, which demonstrates more practice using the input/output mechanisms which are available in Java.

This program will prompt the user to enter a sentence, then upon entering an “exit code,” will display the total number of uppercase letters, vowels and characters which are contained within that sentence. This program is very similar to an earlier project, this time, utilizing a for loop, strings, and user defined methods.


How To Get String Input
If/Else Statements
For Loops
Methods (A.K.A "Functions") - What Are They?

The highlighted portions are areas of interest.

Notice line 22 contains the for loop declaration. The loop will continually loop thru the string, and will not stop doing so until it reaches an exit character, and the defined exit character in this program is a period (“.”). So, the program will not stop looping thru the string until it reaches a period.

Once compiling the above code, you should receive this as your output

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Enter a sentence, ending with a period:
My Programming Notes Is An Awesome Site.

Total number of upper case letters:........7
Total number of vowels:....................14
Total number of characters:................33

C++ || Stack – Using A Stack, Determine If A Set Of Parentheses Is Well-Formed

Here is another homework assignment which was presented in a C++ Data Structures course. This assignment was used to introduce the stack ADT, and helped prepare our class for two later assignments which required using a stack. Those assignments can be found here:

(1) Stack Based Infix To Postfix Conversion (Single Digit)
(2) Stack Based Postfix Evaluation (Single Digit)


Stack Data Structure
#include "ClassStackListType.h"

A simple exercise for testing a stack is determining whether a set of parenthesis is “well formed” or not. What exactly is meant by that? In the case of a pair of parenthesis, for an expression to be well formed, consider the following table.

Given an expression with characters and parenthesis, ( ), [ ], and { }, our class was asked to determine if an expression was well formed or not by using the following algorithm:


This program uses a custom template.h class. To obtain the code for that class, click here.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
(Note: the code was compile four separate times to display different output)

====== RUN 1 ======

Enter an expression and press ENTER.
The expression: (( is NOT well formed!!!

====== RUN 2 ======

Enter an expression and press ENTER.

The expression: (a{b[]}c) is well formed...

====== RUN 3 ======

Enter an expression and press ENTER.
[(7 * 28) - 1987]

The expression: [(7 * 28) - 1987] is well formed...

====== RUN 4 ======

Enter an expression and press ENTER.
{3 + [2 / 3] - (9 + 18) * 12)

The expression: {3 + [2 / 3] - (9 + 18) * 12) is NOT well formed!!!

C++ || FizzBuzz – Tackling The Fizz Buzz Test In C++

What is Fizz Buzz?

Simply put, a “Fizz-Buzz test” is a programming interview question designed to help filter out potential job prospects – those who can’t seem to program if their life depended on it.

An example of a typical Fizz-Buzz question is the following:

Write a program which prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three, print the word “Fizz” instead of the number, and for the multiples of five, print the word “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five, print the word “FizzBuzz”.

This seems easy enough, and many should be able to complete a program which carries out a solution in a few minutes. Though, after doing a little research, apparently that is not the case. This page will present one way to carry out a solution to this Fizz-Buzz problem.

There is a small “catch” that some may encounter when trying to solve this problem, and that is the fact that the conditional statement for the number divisible by 15 should come before each sequential conditional statement. Consider this pseudocode:

The portion that may make this problem tricky for some is the fact that the conditional statement for the number divisible by 15 must be checked -before- the conditional statements which checks for numbers divisible by 3 and 5. If the conditional statements are placed in any other order, the end result will not be correct, which is what can make the problem difficult for many.

======= THE FIZZ BUZZ TEST =======

So building upon the pseudocode found from above, utilizing the modulus operator, here is a simple solution to the Fizz Buzz Test

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output


C++ || Snippet – Round A Number To The Nearest Whole Number

This page will display a simple implementation of a function which rounds a floating point number to the nearest whole number. So for example, if the number 12.34542 was sent to the function, it would return the rounded value of 12.


Modf - Modulus For Float Data
How To Round A Number

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
(Note: the code was compile three separate times to display different output)

====== RUN 1 ======

Enter in a floating point number to round: 1.3333

1.3333 rounded to the nearest whole number is: 1

====== RUN 2 ======

Enter in a floating point number to round: 35.56

35.56 rounded to the nearest whole number is: 36

====== RUN 3 ======

Enter in a floating point number to round: 19.8728

19.8728 rounded to the nearest whole number is: 20

C++ || Snippet – How To Find The Minimum & Maximum Of 3 Numbers, Print In Ascending Order

This page will demonstrate how to find the minimum and maximum of 3 numbers. After the maximum and minimum numbers are obtained, the 3 numbers are displayed to the screen in ascending order.

This program uses multiple if-statements to determine equality, and uses 3 seperate int varables to store its data. This program is very basic, so it does not utilize an integer array, or any sorting methods.

NOTE: If you want to find the Minimum & Maximum of numbers contained in an integer array, click here.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Please enter 3 numbers: 89 56 1987
The numbers you just entered are: 89 56 1987

The maximum number is: 1987
The minimum number is: 56
The numbers in order are: 56 89 1987

C++ || Class & Input/Output – Display The Contents Of A User Specified Text File To The Screen

The following is another intermediate homework assignment which was presented in a C++ programming course. This program was assigned to introduce more practice using the class data structure, which is very similar to the struct data structure.


Header Files - How To Use Them
Class - What Is It?
How To Read Data From A File
String - Getline
Array - Cin.Getline
Strcpy - Copy Contents Of An Array

This program first prompts the user to input a file name. After it obtains a file name from the user, it then attempts to display the contents of the user specified file to the output screen. If the file could not be found, an error message appears. If the file is found, the program continues as normal. After the file contents finishes being displayed, a summary indicating the total number of lines which has been read is also shown to the screen.

This program was implemented into 3 different files (two .cpp files, and one header file .h). So the code for this program will be broken up into 3 sections, the main file (.cpp), the header file (.h), and the implementation of the functions within the header file (.cpp).

Note: The data file that is used in this example can be downloaded here.

Also, in order to read in the data .txt file, you need to save the .txt file in the same directory (or folder) as your .cpp file is saved in. If you are using Visual C++, this directory will be located in

Documents > Visual Studio 2010 > Projects > [Your project name] > [Your project name]

======== FILE #1 – Main.cpp ========

======== FILE #2 – CFileDisp.h ========

Remember, you need to name the header file the same as the #include from the Main.cpp file. This file contains the function declarations, but no implementation of those functions takes place here.

======== FILE #3 – CFileDisp.cpp ========

This is the function implementation file for the CFileDisp.h class. This file can be named anything you wish as long as you #include “CFileDisp.h”

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

C++ || Class – Roman Numeral To Integer & Integer To Roman Numeral Conversion


Click Here For Updated Version Of Program

The following is another homework assignment which was presented in a C++ Data Structures course. This program was assigned in order to practice the use of the class data structure, which is very similar to the struct data structure.


Header Files - How To Use Them
Class - What Is It?
Do/While Loop
Passing a Value By Reference
Roman Numerals - How Do You Convert To Decimal?
Online Roman Numeral Converter - Check For Correct Results

This is an interactive program in which the user has the option of selecting from 7 modes of operation. Of those modes, the user has the option of entering in roman numerals for conversion, entering in decimal numbers for conversion, displaying the recently entered number, and finally converting between roman or decimal values.

A sample of the menu is as followed:
(Where the user would enter numbers 1-7 to select a choice)

This program was implemented into 3 different files (two .cpp files, and one header file .h). So the code for this program will be broken up into 3 sections, the main file (.cpp), the header file (.h), and the implementation of the functions within the header file (.cpp).

======== FILE #1 – Menu.cpp ========

NOTE: On some compilers, you may have to add #include < cstdlib> in order for the code to compile.

======== FILE #2 – ClassRomanType.h ========

Remember, you need to name the header file the same as the #include from the Menu.cpp file. This file contains the function declarations, but no implementation of those functions takes place here.

======== FILE #3 – RomanType.cpp ========

This is the function implementation file for the ClassRomanType.h class. This file can be named anything you wish as long as you #include “ClassRomanType.h”

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 9

You selected choice #9 which will:
Error, you entered an invalid command!
Please try again...
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 5

You selected choice #5 which will: Print the current Decimal number

The current Roman to Decimal Value is: 0
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 6

You selected choice #6 which will: Print the current Roman Numeral

The current Decimal to Roman Value is: Currently Undefined
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 1

You selected choice #1 which will: Get Decimal Number

Enter a Decimal Number: 1987
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 5

You selected choice #5 which will: Print the current Decimal number

The current Roman to Decimal Value is: 1987
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 3

You selected choice #3 which will: Convert from Decimal to Roman
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 6

You selected choice #6 which will: Print the current Roman Numeral

The current Decimal to Roman Value is: MCMLXXXVII
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 2

You selected choice #2 which will: Get Roman Numeral

Enter a Roman Numeral: mMxiI
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 6

You selected choice #6 which will: Print the current Roman Numeral

The current Decimal to Roman Value is: mMxiI
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 4

You selected choice #4 which will: Convert from Roman to Decimal
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 5

You selected choice #5 which will: Print the current Decimal number

The current Roman to Decimal Value is: 2012
From the following menu:

1. Enter a Decimal number
2. Enter a Roman Numeral
3. Convert from Decimal to Roman
4. Convert from Roman to Decimal
5. Print the current Decimal number
6. Print the current Roman Numeral
7. Quit

Please enter a selection: 7

You selected choice #7 which will: Quit

C++ || Savings Account Balance – Calculate The Balance Of A Savings Account At The End Of A Period

Here is another actual homework assignment which was presented in an intro to programming class. The following program was a question taken from the book “Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (7th Edition),” chapter 5, problem #16.


For Loops - How To Use Them
Assignment Operators - What Are They?
Setprecision - What Is It?
Interest Rate

This program first prompts the user to enter the annual interest rate, starting balance, and the number of months which has passed since the account was established. Upon obtaining the information, a loop is then used to iterate through each month, performing the following:

• Ask the user for the amount deposited into the account during the month (positive values only). This amount is added to the balance.

• Ask the user for the amount withdrawn from the account during the month (positive values only). This is subtracted from the balance.

• Calculate the monthly interest. The monthly interest rate is the annual interest rate divided by 12. After each loop iteration, the monthly interest rate is multiplied by the current balance, which is then added to the total balance.

After the last iteration, the program displays the ending balance, the total amount of deposits, the total amount of withdrawals, and the total interest earned.

If a negative balance is calculated at any point, an erroneous message is displayed to the screen indicating that the account has been closed, and then the program terminates.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Enter the annual interest rate on the account (e.g .04): .07
Enter the starting balance: $5000
How many months have passed since the account was established? 3

Month #1
Total deposits for this month: $500
Total withdrawal for this month: $120

Month #2
Total deposits for this month: $750
Total withdrawal for this month: $200

Month #3
Total deposits for this month: $500
Total withdrawal for this month: $100

Ending balance:................. $ 6433.47
Amount of deposits:............. $ 1750.00
Amount of withdrawals:.......... $ 420.00
Amount of interest earned:...... $ 103.47

C++ || Stack Based Infix To Postfix Conversion (Single Digit)

This page consists of another homework assignment which was presented in a C++ Data Structures course. No matter which institution you attend, it seems every instructor assigns a program similar to this at one time or another.

Want to evaluate a postfix expression? Click here.

Want to convert & evaluate multi digit, decimal, and negative numbers? Click here!


What Is Infix?
What Is Postfix?
Stack Data Structure
How To Convert To Postfix
The Order Of Operations
#include "ClassStackType.h"

The program demonstrated on this page has the ability to convert a normal infix equation to postfix equation, so for example, if the user enters the infix equation of (1*2)+3, the program will display the postfix result of 12*3+.

Before we get into things, here is a helpful algorithm for converting from infix to postfix in pseudo code:


This program uses a custom template.h class. To obtain the code for that class, click here.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

Want to convert & evaluate multi digit, decimal, and negative numbers? Click here!

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Want to evaluate a postfix expression? Click here for sample code.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
(Note: the code was compile three separate times to display different output)

====== RUN 1 ======

==== Infix to Postfix Conversion ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root

Sample Infix Equation: (((4^5)*14)/($(23+2)-2))*(1%2)/(2*4)

Please enter an infix expression: ((a+b)+c)/(d^e)
The Infix expression = ((a+b)+c)/(d^e)
The Postfix expression = ab+c+de^/

====== RUN 2 ======

==== Infix to Postfix Conversion ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root

Sample Infix Equation: (((4^5)*14)/($(23+2)-2))*(1%2)/(2*4)

Please enter an infix expression: (3*5)+(7^6)
The Infix expression = (3*5)+(7^6)
The Postfix expression = 35*76^+

====== RUN 3 ======

==== Infix to Postfix Conversion ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root

Sample Infix Equation: (((4^5)*14)/($(23+2)-2))*(1%2)/(2*4)

Please enter an infix expression: (((4^5)*14)/($(23+2)-2))*(1%2)/(2*4)
The Infix expression = (((4^5)*14)/($(23+2)-2))*(1%2)/(2*4)
The Postfix expression = 45^14*232+$2-/12%24*/*

Java || Using If Statements, Char & String Variables

As previously mentioned, you can use the “int/float/double” data type to store numbers. But what if you want to store letters? Char and Strings help you do that.

===== SINGLE CHAR =====

This example will demonstrate a simple program using char, which checks to see if you entered the correctly predefined letter.

Notice in line 19 I declare the char data type, naming it “userInput.” I also initialized it as an empty variable. In line 26 I used an “If/Else Statement” to determine if the user inputted value matches the predefined letter within the program. I also used the “OR” operator in line 26 to determine if the letter the user inputted was lower or uppercase. Try compiling the program simply using this
if (userInput == 'a') as your if statement, and notice the difference.

The resulting code should give this as output

Please try to guess the letter I am thinking of: A
You have Guessed correctly!


This example is similar to the previous one, and will check if a letter is uppercase

Notice in line 26, an If statement was used, which checked to see if the user inputted data fell between letter A and letter Z. We did that by using the “AND” operator. So that IF statement is basically saying (in plain english)

IF ('userInput' is equal to or greater than 'A') AND ('userInput' is equal to or less than 'Z')

THEN it is an uppercase letter

The resulting code should give this as output

Please enter an UPPERCASE letter: p
p is not an uppercase letter


This example will utilize more if statements, checking to see if the user inputted data is a vowel or not. This will be very similar to the previous example, utilizing the OR operator once again.

This program should be very straight forward, and its basically checking to see if the user entered data is the letter A, E, I, O, U or Y.

The resulting code should give the following output

Please enter a vowel: o
Correct, o is a vowel!

===== HELLO WORLD v2 =====

This last example will demonstrate using the string data type to print the line “Hello World!” to the screen.

The resulting code should give following output

Please enter a sentence: Hello World!
You entered: Hello World!


*** This can be achieved by typing the following command:
(Notice the .java source file is named exactly the same as the class header)

javac YOUR_CLASS_NAME.java

*** To run the compiled program, simply type this command:


C++ || Snippet – How To Find The Highest & Lowest Numbers Contained In An Integer Array

This page will consist of a simple demonstration for finding the highest and lowest numbers contained in an integer array.


Integer Arrays
For Loops

Finding the highest/lowest values in an array can be found in one or two ways. The first way would be via a sort, which would render the highest/lowest numbers contained in the array because the values would be sorted in order from highest to lowest. But a sort may not always be practical, especially when you want to keep the array values in the same order that they originally came in.

The second method of finding the highest/lowest values is by traversing through the array, checking each value it contains one by one to determine if the current number which is being compared truly is a target value or not. That method will be displayed below.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Original array values
10 14 1 94 29 25 7 95 11 17 6 71 100 59
These are the highest and lowest array values:
Highest: 100
Lowest: 1