Tag Archives: if/else

C++ || Simple Multi Digit, Decimal & Negative Number Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation

The following is sample code which demonstrates the implementation of a multi digit, decimal, and negative number infix to postfix converter and evaluator using C++.

The program demonstrated on this page has the ability to convert and evaluate a single digit, multi digit, decimal number, and/or negative number infix equation. So for example, if the the infix equation of (19.87 * -2) was entered into the program, the converted postfix expression of 19.87 -2 * would display to the screen, as well as the final evaluated answer of -39.74.


How To Convert Infix To Postfix
How To Evaluate A Postfix Expression

1. Overview

The program demonstrated on this page is different from a previous implementation of the same type in that this version does not use a Finite State Machine during the conversion process, which simplifies the implemetation!

This program has the following flow of control:

• Get an infix expression from the user
• Convert the infix expression to postfix & isolate all of the math operators, multi digit, decimal, negative and single digit numbers that are found in the postfix expression
• Evaluate the postfix expression by breaking the infix string into tokens found from the above step
• Display the evaluated answer to the screen

The above steps are implemented below.

2. Infix To Posfix Conversion & Evaluation

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output.

====== RUN 1 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: 12/3*9

The Infix expression = 12/3*9
The Postfix expression = 12 3 / 9 *

12/3 = 4
4*9 = 36

Final answer = 36

====== RUN 2 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: -150.89996 - 87.56643

The Infix expression = -150.89996 - 87.56643
The Postfix expression = -150.89996 87.56643 -

-150.9-87.5664 = -238.466

Final answer = -238.466

====== RUN 3 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

The Infix expression = ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))
The Postfix expression = -4 5 ^ s 1.4 * 23 2 + $ -2.8 - / 1 2 % c 7.28 .1987 * 23 t ^ / *

-4^5 = -1024
sin(-1024) = 0.158533
0.158533*1.4 = 0.221947
23+2 = 25
√25 = 5
5--2.8 = 7.8
0.221947/7.8 = 0.0284547
1%2 = 1
cos(1) = 0.540302
7.28*0.1987 = 1.44654
tan(23) = 1.58815
1.44654^1.58815 = 1.79733
0.540302/1.79733 = 0.300614
0.0284547*0.300614 = 0.00855389

Final answer = 0.00855389

====== RUN 4 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: (1987 + 1991) * -1

The Infix expression = (1987 + 1991) * -1
The Postfix expression = 1987 1991 + -1 *

1987+1991 = 3978
3978*-1 = -3978

Final answer = -3978

====== RUN 5 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: (1+(2*((3+(4*5))*6)))

The Infix expression = (1+(2*((3+(4*5))*6)))
The Postfix expression = 1 2 3 4 5 * + 6 * * +

4*5 = 20
3+20 = 23
23*6 = 138
2*138 = 276
1+276 = 277

Final answer = 277

C++ || Multi Digit, Decimal & Negative Number Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation


Click Here For Updated Version Of Program

The following is sample code which demonstrates the implementation of a multi digit, decimal, and negative number infix to postfix converter and evaluator using a Finite State Machine


How To Convert Infix To Postfix
How To Evaluate A Postfix Expression
What Is A Finite State Machine?

Using a Finite State Machine, the program demonstrated on this page has the ability to convert and evaluate a single digit, multi digit, decimal number, and/or negative number infix equation. So for example, if the the infix equation of (19.87 * -2) was entered into the program, the converted postfix expression of 19.87 ~2* would display to the screen, as well as the final evaluated answer of -39.74.

NOTE: In this program, negative numbers are represented by the “~” symbol on the postfix string. This is used to differentiate between a negative number and a subtraction symbol.

This program has the following flow of control:

• Get an infix expression from the user
• Convert the infix expression to postfix
• Use a Finite State Machine to isolate all of the math operators, multi digit, decimal, negative and single digit numbers that are found in the postfix expression
• Evaluate the postfix expression using the tokens found from the above step
• Display the evaluated answer to the screen

The above steps are implemented below.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output.

====== RUN 1 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
~ || Negative Number

Sample Infix Equation: ((s(~4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)-~2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: 12/3*9

The Infix expression = 12/3*9
The Postfix expression = 12 3 /9*

12/3 = 4
4*9 = 36

Final answer = 36

====== RUN 2 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
~ || Negative Number

Sample Infix Equation: ((s(~4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)-~2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: -150.89996 - 87.56643

The Infix expression = -150.89996 - 87.56643
The Postfix expression = ~150.89996 87.56643-

-150.9-87.5664 = -238.466

Final answer = -238.466

====== RUN 3 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
~ || Negative Number

Sample Infix Equation: ((s(~4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)-~2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: ((s(~4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)-~2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

The Infix expression = ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))
The Postfix expression = ~4 5^ s1.4* 23 2+ $~2.8-/ 1 2% c7.28 .1987* 23t^/*

-4^5 = -1024
sin(-1024) = 0.158533
0.158533*1.4 = 0.221947
23+2 = 25
√25 = 5
5--2.8 = 7.8
0.221947/7.8 = 0.0284547
1%2 = 1
cos(1) = 0.540302
7.28*0.1987 = 1.44654
tan(23) = 1.58815
1.44654^1.58815 = 1.79733
0.540302/1.79733 = 0.300614
0.0284547*0.300614 = 0.00855389

Final answer = 0.00855389

====== RUN 4 ======

==== Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation ====

Math Operators:
+ || Addition
- || Subtraction
* || Multiplication
/ || Division
% || Modulus
^ || Power
$ || Square Root
s || Sine
c || Cosine
t || Tangent
- || Negative Number
Sample Infix Equation: ((s(-4^5)*1.4)/($(23+2)--2.8))*(c(1%2)/(7.28*.1987)^(t23))

Please enter an Infix expression: (1987 + 1991) * -1

The Infix expression = (1987 + 1991) * -1
The Postfix expression = 1987 1991+ ~1*

1987+1991 = 3978
3978*-1 = -3978

Final answer = -3978

Python || Find The Average Using A List – Omit Highest And Lowest Scores

This page will consist of a program which calculates the average of a specific amount of numbers using a list.


For Loops
Arithmetic Operators
Basic Math - How To Find The Average

The following program is fairly simple, and was used to introduce the list concept. This program prompts the user to enter the total amount of numbers they wish to find the average for, then displays the answer to the screen. Using a sort, this program also has the ability to find the average of a list of numbers, omitting the highest and lowest valued items.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

The following is sample output.

How many items do you want to place into the list?: 5

Enter item #1: 7
Enter item #2: 7
Enter item #3: 4
Enter item #4: 8
Enter item #5: 7

The current items inside the list are:
Item #1: 7
Item #2: 7
Item #3: 4
Item #4: 8
Item #5: 7

The average of the 5 numbers is 6.60

The average adjusted score omitting the highest and lowest result is 7.00

C++ || Custom Template Hash Map With Iterator Using Separate Chaining

Before we get into the code, what is a Hash Map? Simply put, a Hash Map is an extension of a Hash Table; which is a data structure used to map unique “keys” to specific “values.” The Hash Map demonstrated on this page is different from the previous Hash Table implementation in that key/value pairs do not need to be the same datatype, they can be completely different. So for example, if you wish to map a string “key” to an integer “value“, utilizing a Hash Map is ideal.

In its most simplest form, a Hash Map can be thought of as an associative array, or a “dictionary.” Hash Map’s are composed of a collection of key/value pairs, such that each possible key appears atleast once in the collection for a given value. While a standard array requires that indice subscripts be integers, a hash map can use a string, an integer, or even a floating point value as the index. That index is called the “key,” and the contents within the array at that specific index location is called the “value.” A hash map uses a hash function to generate an index into the table, creating buckets or slots, from which the correct value can be found.

To illustrate, suppose that you’re working with some data that has values associated with strings — for instance, you might have student names and you wish to assign them grades. How would you store this data? Depending on your skill level, you might use multiple arrays during the implementation. For example, in terms of a one dimensional array, if we wanted to access the data for a student located at index #25, we could access it by doing:

studentNames[25]; // do something with the data

Here, we dont have to search through each element in the array to find what we need, we just access it at index #25. The question is, how do we know that index #25 holds the data that we are looking for? If we have a large set of data, not only will keeping track of multiple arrays become tiresome, but doing a sequential search over each item within the separate arrays can become very inefficient. That is where hashing comes in handy. Using a Hash Map, we can use the students name as the “key,” and the students grade as the data “value.” Given this “key” (the students name), we can apply a hash function to map a unique index or bucket within the hash table to find the data “value” (the students grade) that we wish to access.

So in essence, a Hash Map is an extension of a hash table, which is a data structure that stores key/value pairs. Hash tables are typically used because they are ideal for doing a quick search of items.

Though hashing is ideal, it isnt perfect. It is possible for multiple “keys” to be hashed into the same location. Hash “collisions” are practically unavoidable when hashing large data sets. The code demonstrated on this page handles collisions via separate chaining, utilizing an array of linked list head nodes to store multiple keys within one bucket – should any collisions occur.

A special feature of this current hash map class is that its implemented as a multimap, meaning that more than one “value” can be associated with a given “key.” For example, in a student enrollment system where students may be enrolled in multiple classes simultaneously, there might be an association for each enrollment where the “key” is the student ID, and the “value” is the course ID. In this example, if a given student is enrolled in three courses, there will be three associated “values” (course ID’s) for one “key” (student ID) in the Hash Map.

An iterator was also implemented, making data access that much more simple within the hash map class. Click here for an overview demonstrating how custom iterators can be built.


The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The iterator class starts on line #381, and is built to support most of the standard relational operators, as well as arithmetic operators such as ‘+,+=,++’ (pre/post increment). The * (star), bracket [] and -> arrow operators are also supported. Click here for an overview demonstrating how custom iterators can be built.

The rest of the code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Use of the above template class is the same as many of its STL template class counterparts. Here are sample programs demonstrating its use.


The key 'CPSC' appears in the hash map 6 time(s)

The first item with the key 'CPSC' is: 386

These are all the items in the hash map whose key is 'CPSC':
Key-> CPSC Value-> 386
Key-> CPSC Value-> 462
Key-> CPSC Value-> 301
Key-> CPSC Value-> 240
Key-> CPSC Value-> 131
Key-> CPSC Value-> 120


Now the key 'CPSC' only appears in the hash map 5 time(s)

These are the sorted items in the hash map whose key is 'CPSC':
Key-> CPSC Value-> 120
Key-> CPSC Value-> 131
Key-> CPSC Value-> 240
Key-> CPSC Value-> 301
Key-> CPSC Value-> 462

These are all of the items in the entire hash map:
Key-> CIS Value-> 465

Key-> DANCE Value-> 134

Key-> PE Value-> 145
Key-> PE Value-> 125

Key-> MATH Value-> 270
Key-> MATH Value-> 150

Key-> GEOL Value-> 201
Key-> GEOL Value-> 101

Key-> CPSC Value-> 120
Key-> CPSC Value-> 131
Key-> CPSC Value-> 240
Key-> CPSC Value-> 301
Key-> CPSC Value-> 462

Key-> BIOL Value-> 585
Key-> BIOL Value-> 134

Key-> ART Value-> 101
Key-> ART Value-> 345

Key-> CHEM Value-> 185

Key-> HIST Value-> 251

The total number of items in the hash map is: 19


'Kenneth' owns 3 cars

These are all of the cars in the hash map:
Jessica's car(s)
Car: Nissan Altima
Year: 2011
MPG: 30.7

Kenneth's car(s)
Car: Ford Fusion
Year: 2006
MPG: 28.5

Car: BMW 535i
Year: 2014
MPG: 25.4

Car: Acura Integra
Year: 2001
MPG: 20.2

The total number of cars in the hash map is: 4

Sorting the cars that 'Kenneth' owns by name..

Again, these are all of the cars in the hash map:
Jessica's car(s)
Car: Nissan Altima
Year: 2011
MPG: 30.7

Kenneth's car(s)
Car: Acura Integra
Year: 2001
MPG: 20.2

Car: BMW 535i
Year: 2014
MPG: 25.4

Car: Ford Fusion
Year: 2006
MPG: 28.5

'Acura Integra' has been removed from 'Kenneth's' inventory..

'Kenneth' now owns only 2 cars

These are all of the cars in the hash map with the 'Acura Integra' removed:
Jessica's car(s)
Car: Nissan Altima
Year: 2011
MPG: 30.7

Kenneth's car(s)
Car: BMW 535i
Year: 2014
MPG: 25.4

Car: Ford Fusion
Year: 2006
MPG: 28.5

The total number of cars in the hash map is: 3

Python || Using If Statements & String Variables

As previously mentioned, you can use “int” and “float” to represent numbers, but what if you want to store letters? Strings help you do that.

==== SINGLE CHAR ====

This example will demonstrate a simple program using strings, which checks to see if the user entered the correctly predefined letter.

Notice in line 11 I declare the string data type, naming it “userInput.” I also initialized it as an empty variable. In line 23 I used an “If/Else Statement” to determine if the user entered value matches the predefined letter within the program. I also used the “OR” operator in line 23 to determine if the letter the user entered into the program was lower or uppercase. Try compiling the program simply using this
if (letter == 'a') as your if statement, and notice the difference.

The resulting code should give this as output

Please try to guess the letter I am thinking of: A
You have guessed correctly!


This example is similar to the previous one, and will check if a user entered letter is uppercase.

Notice in line 21, an If statement was used, which checks to see if the user entered data falls between letter A and letter Z. We did that by using the “AND” operator. So that IF statement is basically saying (in plain english)

IF ('letter' is equal to or greater than 'A') AND ('letter' is equal to or less than 'Z')

THEN it is an uppercase letter

The resulting code should give this as output

Please enter an UPPERCASE letter: g
Sorry, 'g' is not an uppercase letter..


This example will utilize more if statements, checking to see if the user entered letter is a vowel or not. This will be very similar to the previous example, utilizing the OR operator once again.

This program should be very straight forward, and its basically checking to see if the user entered data is the letter A, E, I, O, U or Y.

The resulting code should give the following output

Please enter a vowel: K
Sorry, 'K' is not a vowel..

==== HELLO WORLD v2 ====

This last example will demonstrate using the string data type to print the line “Hello World!” to the screen.

The following is similar to the other examples listed on this page, except we display the entire string instead of just simply the first character.

The resulting code should give following output

Please enter a sentence: Hello World!
You Entered: 'Hello World!'

C++ || Simple Spell Checker Using A Hash Table


Click Here For Updated Version Of Program

The following is another programming assignment which was presented in a C++ Data Structures course. This assignment was used to gain more experience using hash tables.


Hash Table - What Is It?
How To Create A Spell Checker
How To Read Data From A File
Strtok - Split Strings Into Tokens
#include 'HashTable.h'
The Dictionary File - Download Here


This program first reads words from a dictionary file, and inserts them into a hash table.

The dictionary file consists of a list of 62,454 correctly spelled lowercase words, separated by whitespace. The words are inserted into the hash table, with each bucket growing dynamically as necessary to hold all of the incoming data.

After the reading of the dictionary file is complete, the program prompts the user for input. After input is obtained, each word that the user enteres into the program is looked up within the hash table to see if it exists. If the user entered word exists within the hash table, then that word is spelled correctly. If not, a list of possible suggested spelling corrections is displayed to the screen.


To better understand how hash tables work, this program reports the following statistics to the screen:

• The total size of the hash table.
• The size of the largest hash table bucket.
• The size of the smallest hash table bucket.
• The total number of buckets used.
• The average hash table bucket size.

A timer is used in this program to time (in seconds) how long it takes to read in the dictionary file. The program also saves each hash table bucket into a separate output .txt file. This is used to further visualize how the hash table data is internally being stored within memory.


The easiest way to generate corrections for a spell checker is via a trial and error method. If we assume that the misspelled word contains only a single error, we can try all possible corrections and look each up in the dictionary.


wird: bird gird ward word wild wind wire wiry

Traditionally, spell checkers look for four possible errors: a wrong letter (“wird”), also knows as alteration. An inserted letter (“woprd”), a deleted letter (“wrd”), or a pair of adjacent transposed letters (“wrod”).

The easiest of which is checking for a wrong letter. For example, if a word isnt found in the dictionary, all variants of that word can be looked up by changing one letter. Given the user input “wird,” a one letter variant can be “aird”, “bird”, “cird”, etc. through “zird.” Then “ward”, “wbrd”, “wcrd” through “wzrd”, can be checked, and so forth. Whenever a match is found within the dictionary, the spelling correction should be displayed to the screen.

For a detailed analysis how the other methods can be constructed, click here.


This program uses a custom template.h class. To obtain the code for that class, click here.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Remember to include the data file.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Loading dictionary....Complete!

Total dictionary words = 61286
Hash table size = 19000
Largest bucket size = 13 items at index #1551
Smallest bucket size = 1 items at index #11
Total buckets used = 18217
Total percent of hash table used = 95.8789%
Average bucket size = 3.36422 items

Dictionary loaded in 1.861 secs!

>> Please enter a sentence: wird

** wird: bird, gird, ward, weird, word, wild, wind, wire, wired, wiry,

Number of words spelled incorrectly: 1

Do you want to enter another sentence? (y/n): y


>> Please enter a sentence: woprd

** woprd: word,

Number of words spelled incorrectly: 1

Do you want to enter another sentence? (y/n): y


>> Please enter a sentence: wrd

** wrd: ard, ord, ward, wed, word,

Number of words spelled incorrectly: 1

Do you want to enter another sentence? (y/n): y


>> Please enter a sentence: wrod

** wrod: brod, trod, wood, rod, word,

Number of words spelled incorrectly: 1

Do you want to enter another sentence? (y/n): y


>> Please enter a sentence: New! Safe and efective

** efective: defective, effective, elective,

Number of words spelled incorrectly: 1

Do you want to enter another sentence? (y/n): y


>> Please enter a sentence: This is a sentance with no corections gygyuigigigiug

** sentance: sentence,

** corections: corrections,

** gygyuigigigiug: No spelling suggestion found...

Number of words spelled incorrectly: 3

Do you want to enter another sentence? (y/n): n


C++ || Custom Template Hash Table With Iterator Using Separate Chaining

Looking for sample code for a Hash Map? Click here!

Before we get into the code, what is a Hash Table? Simply put, a Hash Table is a data structure used to implement an associative array; one that can map unique “keys” to specific values. While a standard array requires that indice subscripts be integers, a hash table can use a floating point value, a string, another array, or even a structure as the index. That index is called the “key,” and the contents within the array at that specific index location is called the value. A hash table uses a hash function to generate an index into the table, creating buckets or slots, from which the correct value can be found.

To illustrate, compare a standard array full of data (100 elements). If the position was known for the specific item that we wanted to access within the array, we could quickly access it. For example, if we wanted to access the data located at index #5 in the array, we could access it by doing:

array[5]; // do something with the data

Here, we dont have to search through each element in the array to find what we need, we just access it at index #5. The question is, how do we know that index #5 stores the data that we are looking for? If we have a large set of data, doing a sequential search over each item within the array can be very inefficient. That is where hashing comes in handy. Given a “key,” we can apply a hash function to a unique index or bucket to find the data that we wish to access.

So in essence, a hash table is a data structure that stores key/value pairs, and is typically used because they are ideal for doing a quick search of items.

Though hashing is ideal, it isnt perfect. It is possible for multiple items to be hashed into the same location. Hash “collisions” are practically unavoidable when hashing large data sets. The code demonstrated on this page handles collisions via separate chaining, utilizing an array of linked list head nodes to store multiple values within one bucket – should any collisions occur.

An iterator was also implemented, making data access that much more simple within the hash table class. Click here for an overview demonstrating how custom iterators can be built.

Looking for sample code for a Hash Map? Click here!