Java || Find The Average Using an Array – Omit Highest And Lowest Scores
This page will consist of two programs which calculates the average of a specific amount of numbers using an array.
Double Data Type
Final Variables
For Loops
Assignment Operators
Basic Math - How To Find The Average
The first program is fairly simple, and it was used to introduce the array concept. The program prompts the user to enter the total amount of numbers they want to find the average for, then the program displays the answer to them via stdout.
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import java.util.Scanner; public class FindTheAverage { // global variable declaration static Scanner cin = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variables int numElems = 0; double sum = 0; double[] average = new double[100]; // declare array which has the ability to hold 100 elements // display message to screen System.out.println("Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.n"); // determine how many numbers the user wants in the array System.out.print("How many numbers do you want to find the average for?: "); numElems = cin.nextInt(); System.out.println(""); // user enters data into array using a for loop // you can also use a while loop, but for loops are more common // when dealing with arrays for(int index=0; index < numElems; ++index) { System.out.print("Enter value #" +(index+1)+ ": "); average[index] = cin.nextDouble(); sum += average[index]; } // find the average. // Note: the expression below literally // means: sum = sum / numElems; sum /= numElems; System.out.println("nThe average of the " + numElems + " numbers is " + sum); }// end of main }// |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
Notice the array declaration on line #13. The type of array being used in this program is a dynamic array, which has the ability to store up to 100 integer elements in the array. You can change the number of elements its able to store to a higher or lower number if you wish.
Lines 27-32 contains a for loop, which is used to actually store the data inside of the array. Without some type of loop, it is virtually impossible for the user to input data into the array; that is, unless you want to add 100 different println statements into your code asking the user to input data. Line 31 uses the assignment operator “+=” which gives us a running total of the data that is being inputted into the array. Note the loop only stores as many elements as the user so desires, so if the user only wants to input 3 numbers into the array, the for loop will only execute 3 times.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output:
Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.
How many numbers do you want to find the average for?: 4
Enter value #1: 21
Enter value #2: 24
Enter value #3: 19
Enter value #4: 17
The average of the 4 numbers is 20.25
The second program is really practical in a real world setting. We were asked to create a program for a fictional competition which had 6 judges. The 6 judges each gave a score of the performance for a competitor in a competition, (i.e a score of 1-10), and we were asked to find the average of those scores, omitting the highest/lowest results. The program was to store the scores into an array, display the scores back to the user via stdout, display the highest and lowest scores among the 6 obtained, display the average of the 6 scores, and finally display the average adjusted scores omitting the highest and lowest result.
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import java.util.Scanner; public class FindOmittedAverage { // global variable declaration static Scanner cin = new Scanner(; static final int NUM_JUDGES = 6; public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variables double highestScore = -999999; double lowestScore = 999999; double sumOfScores = 0; double avgScores = 0; double[] scores = new double[NUM_JUDGES]; // array is initialized using a final variable // display message to screen System.out.println("Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.n"); System.out.print("Judges, enter one score each for the current competitor: "); // use a for loop to obtain data from user using the final variable for(int index=0; index < NUM_JUDGES; ++index) { // this puts data into the current array index scores[index] = cin.nextDouble(); // this calculates a running total of all the scores // adding each element in the array together sumOfScores += scores[index]; // if current score in the array index is bigger than the current 'highestScore' // value, then set 'highestScore' equal to the current value in the array if(scores[index] > highestScore) { highestScore = scores[index]; } // if current score in the array index is smaller than the current 'lowestScore' // value, then set 'lowestScore' equal to the current value in the array if(lowestScore > scores[index]) { lowestScore = scores[index]; } } System.out.print("nThese are the scores from the " + NUM_JUDGES + " judges: "); // use another for loop to redisplay the data back to the user via stdout for(int index=0; index < NUM_JUDGES; ++index) { System.out.print("nThe score for judge #"+(index+1)+" is: "+scores[index]); } // display the highest/lowest numbers to the screen System.out.print("nnThese are the highest and lowest scores: "); System.out.print("ntHighest: "+ highestScore); System.out.print("ntLowest: "+ lowestScore); // find the average avgScores = sumOfScores/NUM_JUDGES; System.out.print("nThe average score is: "+ avgScores); // reset data back to 0 so we can find the ommitted average sumOfScores = 0; avgScores = 0; System.out.print("nThe average adjusted score omitting the highest and lowest result is: "); // final loop, which calculates a running total, adding each element // in the array together, this time omitting the highest/lowest scores for(int index=0; index < NUM_JUDGES; ++index) { // IF(current score isnt equal to the highest elem) AND (current score isnt equal lowest elem) // THEN create a running total if((scores[index] != highestScore) && (scores[index] != lowestScore)) { sumOfScores += scores[index]; } } // find the average, minus the 2 scores avgScores = sumOfScores/(NUM_JUDGES-2); System.out.print(avgScores); }// end of main }// |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
A final variable was declared and used to initialize the array (line 7). This was used to initialize the size of the array.
Once again loops were used to traverse the array, as noted on lines 24, 51 and 73. The final variable was also used within the for loops, making it easier to modify the code if its necessary to reduce or increase the number of available judges.
This is noted on lines 35-45, and it is really simple to understand the process once you see the code.
Lines 73-81 highlights this process. The loop basically traverses the array, skipping over the highest/lowest elements.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.
Judges, enter one score each for
the current competitor: 123 453 -789 2 23345 987These are the scores from the 6 judges:
The score for judge #1 is: 123.0
The score for judge #2 is: 453.0
The score for judge #3 is: -789.0
The score for judge #4 is: 2.0
The score for judge #5 is: 23345.0
The score for judge #6 is: 987.0These are the highest and lowest scores:
Highest: 23345.0
Lowest: -789.0
The average score is: 4020.1666666666665
The average adjusted score omitting the highest and lowest result is: 391.25
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