C++ || Snippet – How To Swap Two Numbers Without Using A Third “Temporary” Variable

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The following are three programs which demonstrates how to swap two numbers without using a third “temporary” variable.

Why would anyone want to swap two numbers without utilizing a third variable? There is no real reason to do so other than the fact that exercises such as these are typically used as programming assignments/interview questions. This is a technique that’s rarely ever practical in a real world setting, but it is still an interesting task nonetheless.


Please enter two numbers: 7 28

Item #1 = 7
Item #2 = 28

Switching the numbers..

Item #1 = 28
Item #2 = 7


Please enter two numbers: 5 12453

Item #1 = 5
Item #2 = 12453

Switching the numbers..

Item #1 = 12453
Item #2 = 5


Please enter two numbers: 2132 6547546

Item #1 = 2132
Item #2 = 6547546

Switching the numbers..

Item #1 = 6547546
Item #2 = 2132

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