Tag Archives: css

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || SlidePanel.js – How To Create An Animated Sidebar Navigation Menu Panel Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module with functions that demonstrates how to create an animated sliding sidebar navigation ‘hamburger’ menu panel using Vanilla JavaScript.

Using Vanilla JavaScript and CSS, by default the menu panel swipes in and out from left to right. The panel can also be opened from right to left, top to bottom, and bottom to top. All of this behavior, as well as its look and feel can be adjusted via CSS.

SlidePanel.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Navigation SlidePanel Menu HTML
3. SlidePanel.js & CSS Source
4. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates the JavaScript used to setup the sidebar navigation slide panels and menu event listeners.

Calling this function sets up all of the slide panels and buttons on the page.

2. Navigation SlidePanel Menu HTML

The following is the HTML used to setup the sidebar navigation slide panel. The placement of the ‘hamburger’ button, as well as the direction that the sidebar menu opens can easily be adjusted via CSS.

Below is a stripped down simple example demonstrating the basic html used to setup a sidebar panel. In this example, the panel is opened from left to right.

Navigation slide panel menus can also open from right to left, top to bottom, and bottom to top. Check out the end of the page for a full example!

Open Left To Right

The following demonstrates how to open the navigation slide panel menu from right to left.

By default, the menu opens on the left side of the page. Adding ‘right‘ to the class list places the menu on the right side of the page.

Sample Navigation Menu:


Sample When Opened:


Open Right To Left

The following demonstrates how to open the navigation slide panel menu from right to left.

By default, the menu opens on the left side of the page. Adding ‘right‘ to the class list places the menu on the right side of the page.

Open Top To Bottom

The following demonstrates how to open the navigation slide panel menu from top to bottom.

By default, the menu opens on the left side of the page. Adding ‘right‘ to the class list places the menu on the right side of the page.

Open Bottom To Top

The following demonstrates how to open the navigation slide panel menu from bottom to top.

By default, the menu opens on the left side of the page. Adding ‘right‘ to the class list places the menu on the right side of the page.

3. SlidePanel.js & CSS Source

The following is the SlidePanel.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is SlidePanel.css.

4. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘SlidePanel.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

CSS || How To Use Inline SVG Image As Background Image Icon Using CSS

The following is a module which demonstrates how to use Inline SVG image as Data URL background image icon using CSS.

1. Usage

The example below demonstrates the use of the icon CSS class to display an SVG image as an image icon.



2. Icon CSS

The SVG image used in this example is the following:

Make sure to URL encode your entire SVG, and then simply insert the encoded string as the css background-image.

You can use any online converter to URL encode the SVG string.

The following is the Icon css file.

3. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Icon‘ css. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

CSS || How To Zoom & Enlarge An Image On Mouse Hover Using CSS

The following is a module which demonstrates how to zoom and enlarge an image on mouse hover using CSS.

1. Usage

The example below demonstrates the use of the Grow CSS.




2. Grow CSS

The following is the Grow css file. Include this in your project to start using!

3. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Grow‘ css. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

CSS || How To Create Horizontal Divider Line With Words In The Middle Using CSS

The following is a module which demonstrates how to create a horizontal divider line with words in the middle using CSS.

1. Usage

The example below demonstrates the use of the Divider CSS.



2. Divider Line CSS

The following is the Divider css file. Include this in your project to start using!

3. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of the ‘Divider‘ css. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || Simple Tic Tac Toe Game With Minimax AI Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to create a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game with computer AI using vanilla JavaScript.

This game allows for two or more players, or computer AI vs computer AI. The first player to match 3 pieces horizontally, vertically and diagonally in a row wins!

1. Features

This game allows for two or more players. To add more players, click the “add new” button under the “players” list. To edit a player, click the “edit” button next to a players name.

• Adding and editing a player allows you to change:

1. Name
2. Avatar image url
3. CPU player & difficulty

• To remove a player, click the “remove” button next to the players name.

• A “save game” button allows to save the progress of the game. A file is generated, which consists of the state of the game. This file can be used to reload the game, using the “load game” button.

• Match history is saved, and lets you see the game stats from the previous completed games.

• Player AI uses the minimax algorithm. It has 4 levels of difficulty:

1. Easy
2. Normal
3. Hard
4. Impossible - You will not win!

2. Screenshots

New Game


End Of Game

Game Over

Match History

Match History

Update Player

Update Player

Add New Player

Add New Player

Add New Player



3. Download & Play

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || Notice.js – Simple Notification Message With Success, Warning & Error Icons Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module with functions that demonstrates how to display a simple notification message with success, warning & error icons.

Using vanilla JavaScript, the message fades in and is displayed to the page, and fades out after a delay (in milliseconds). It’s look and feel can also be adjusted via CSS.

Notice.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Notice HTML
3. Notice.js & CSS Source
4. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates the JavaScript used to show the notification message. The message fades away after a specified amount of time (in milliseconds).



2. Notice HTML

If you wish to show the messages without using JavaScript, the following is an example of the HTML used to display the notices.







3. Notice.js & CSS Source

The following is the Notice.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is Notice.css.

4. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘Notice.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || Modal.js – Simple Modal Dialog Prompt Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module which allows for a simple modal popup dialog panel in vanilla JavaScript. This module allows for custom Yes/No prompts.

Options include allowing the modal to be dragged, resized, and closed on outer area click. Modal drag and resize supports touch (mobile) input.

Modal.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Available Options
3. Alert Dialog
4. Yes/No Dialog
5. Custom Buttons
6. Dialog Instance
7. Modal.js & CSS Source
8. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates adding a simple dialog to the page.



The following example demonstrates how to add click events to the default dialog buttons. The ordering of the buttons on initialization defines its placement on the dialog.

2. Available Options

The options supplied to the ‘Modal.showDialog‘ function is an object that is made up of the following properties.

Supplying different options to ‘Modal.showDialog‘ can change its appearance. The following examples below demonstrate this.

3. Alert Dialog

The following example demonstrates an alert dialog.



4. Yes/No Dialog

The following example demonstrates a yes/no dialog.



5. Custom Buttons

The following example demonstrates multiple custom buttons.



6. Dialog Instance

The following example demonstrates how to use the dialog instance to show and hide when needed.

7. Modal.js & CSS Source

Modal.js & CSS Source

8. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘Modal.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || Placeholder.js – Simple Animated Floating Label For Textbox, Dropdown & Textarea Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module which allows for a simple animated floating placeholder label for textbox, dropdown & textarea using vanilla javascript.

No special HTML markup is required.

Placeholder.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Placeholder HTML
3. Placeholder.js & CSS Source
4. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates adding and removing floating placeholders to elements.

Placeholder.float‘ and ‘Placeholder.remove‘ accepts either a string selector or one or more Javascript elements.

2. Placeholder HTML

The following is sample HTML used for the floating placeholder label. No special HTML markup is required. Simply supply an element with a ‘placeholder‘ attribute, and you’re all set!

Sample – Blank:


Sample – Filled:


3. Placeholder.js & CSS Source

The following is the Placeholder.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is Placeholder.css.

4. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘Placeholder.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || Modal.js – Simple Modal Popup Panel Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module which allows for a simple modal popup panel in vanilla JavaScript. Options include allowing the modal to be dragged, resized, and closed on outer area click.

Modal drag and resize supports touch (mobile) input.

Modal.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Modal HTML
3. Initialize Modal Options
4. Modal Dialog
5. Modal.js & CSS Source
6. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates showing and hiding a modal popup.

Modal.show‘ and ‘Modal.hide‘ accepts either a string selector or a Javascript element.

2. Modal HTML

The following is the HTML used to display the modal. The attributes supplied to the ‘modal’ element specifies whether it is allowed to be dragged, resized, or closed on outer area click.



3. Initialize Modal Options

In order for the options on the modal to take effect, it needs to be initialized.

The following example demonstrates initializing the modal popup options.

Note: ‘Modal.init‘ only needs to be called once. It will initialize all modals on the page.

4. Modal Dialog

The following demonstrates adding a simple dialog to the page.

For more options, click here!



5. Modal.js & CSS Source

The following is the Modal.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is Modal.css.

6. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘Modal.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || TablePagination.js – Simple Add Pagination To Any Table Using Vanilla JavaScript

The following is a module which allows for simple yet fully customizable table pagination in vanilla JavaScript.

With multiple options, as well as multiple callback functions to modify the pagination buttons and information text, almost all the ways you can think of pagination is supported by this module. It’s look and feel can also be adjusted via CSS.

TablePagination.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Available Options
3. Only Show Page Numbers
4. Mini - Only Show Arrow Buttons
5. Show All Pages
6. Only Show Go Input
7. Format Navigation Text
8. Button Click Event
9. Navigation Position
10. Specify Initial Page
11. Navigation Binding Area
12. Remove Pagination
13. TablePagination.js & CSS Source
14. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates adding pagination to a table.

Calling ‘TablePagination.page‘ with no options will add pagination with all of the default options applied to it. It accepts one or more HTMLTableElement.



2. Available Options

The options supplied to the ‘TablePagination.page‘ function is an object that is made up of the following properties.

Supplying different options to ‘TablePagination.page‘ can change its appearance. The following examples below demonstrate this.

3. Only Show Page Numbers

The following example demonstrates pagination with only page numbers.



4. Mini – Only Show Arrow Buttons

The following example demonstrates pagination with only arrow buttons.



5. Show All Pages

The following example demonstrates pagination showing all page numbers.



6. Only Show Go Input

The following example demonstrates pagination with only showing the “Go” user input option.



7. Format Navigation Text

The following example demonstrates pagination formatting the navigation text. This allows to alter the navigation text without having to modify the pagination code!



8. Button Click Event

The following example demonstrates pagination with the button click callback. This allows you to do something on button click



9. Navigation Position

The following example demonstrates formatting the navigation position. The position options can be on top, or bottom. Bottom is the default position.



10. Specify Initial Page

The following example demonstrates pagination setting the initial default page.



11. Navigation Binding Area

By default, the navigation controls are placed either above or below the table element, depending on the ‘navigationPosition’ value. You can override this placement by specifying the container where the controls should be bound to.

The following example demonstrates specifying the element where the controls are bound to.



12. Remove Pagination

The following example demonstrates how to remove pagination from a table.

TablePagination.remove‘ will remove pagination. It accepts one or more HTMLTableElement.

13. TablePagination.js & CSS Source

The following is the TablePagination.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is TablePagination.css.

14. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘TablePagination.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || sliderRadioButton.js – Simple Animated Slider Radio Button Using Vanilla JavaScript

Radio buttons let a user select only one of a limited number of choices. Radio buttons are normally presented in radio groups (a collection of radio buttons describing a set of related options). Only one radio button in a group can be selected at the same time.

Using JavaScript, the following is sample code which demonstrates how to display a simple animated slider radio button group to the page.

This animated slider radio button comes with a few basic features. When a selection is chosen, a sliding animation appears. The speed of the animation can be modified via CSS transitions. The look and orientation can also be modified via CSS, with the button group direction being either vertical or horizontal.

sliderRadioButton.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Slider HTML - Default
3. Slider HTML - Column
4. sliderRadioButton.js & CSS Source
5. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates the JavaScript used to setup the radio buttons decorated with the ‘slider’ CSS class.

2. Slider HTML – Default

The following is an example of the HTML used to display the slider. By default, the options are displayed inline.



3. Slider HTML – Column

The following is an example of the HTML used to display the slider as a column.



4. sliderRadioButton.js & CSS Source

The following is the sliderRadioButton.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is sliderRadioButton.css.

5. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘sliderRadioButton.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

JavaScript/CSS/HTML || Collapsible.js – Simple Collapsible Accordion Panel Using Vanilla JavaScript

Accordion panels are a vertical stack of items. Each item can be “expanded” or “collapsed” to reveal the content associated with that item. There can be zero expanded items, or more than one item expanded at a time, depending on the configuration.

Using JavaScript, the following is sample code which demonstrates how to display a simple collapsible accordion panel to the page.

This panel comes with a few basic features. Using data attributes, you can adjust the slide up and slide down speed, as well as the initial collapsed status. You can also specify either the entire row as selectable, or just the button.

Collapsible.js & CSS Source


1. Basic Usage
2. Collapsible HTML
3. Collapsible.js & CSS Source
4. More Examples

1. Basic Usage

Syntax is very straightforward. The following demonstrates the JavaScript used to setup the elements decorated with the ‘collapsible‘ CSS class.

2. Collapsible HTML

The following is an example of the HTML used to display the collapsible.

To make the entire row clickable, only add the ‘collapsible‘ class to the ‘collapsible-header‘ element. To make just the button clickable, only add the ‘collapsible‘ class to the ‘collapsible-button‘ element



3. Collapsible.js & CSS Source

The following is the Collapsible.js Namespace & CSS Source. Include this in your project to start using!

The following is Collapsible.css.

4. More Examples

Below are more examples demonstrating the use of ‘Collapsible.js‘. Don’t forget to include the module when running the examples!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

jQuery/CSS/HTML || Simple Progress Bar

The following is sample code which demonstrates how to create a progress bar. Using jQuery, the progress bar is animated to simulate download progress.


JavaScript - setInterval

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

jQuery/CSS/HTML || Simple Collapsible Accordion Panel

Accordion panels are a vertical stack of items. Each item can be “expanded” or “collapsed” to reveal the content associated with that item. There can be zero expanded items, or more than one item expanded at a time, depending on the configuration.

Using jQuery, the following is sample code which demonstrates how to display a simple collapsible accordion panel to the page.

This panel comes with a few basic features. Using data attributes, you can adjust the slide up and slide down speed, as well as the initial collapsed status. You can also specify either the entire row as selectable, or just the button.


jQuery - closest
jQuery - next
jQuery - find
JavaScript - stopPropagation
JavaScript - Events
Accordion Panel - What is it?

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.