Python || Random Number Guessing Game Using Random MyRNG & While Loop

Here is another homework assignment which was presented in introduction class. The following is a simple guessing game using commandline arguments, which demonstrates the use of generating random numbers.
How To Get User Input
Getting Commandline Arguments
While Loops - Random Number Class
==== 1. DESCRIPTION ====
The following program is a simple guessing game which demonstrates how to generate random numbers using python. This program will seed the random number generator (located in the file, select a number at random, and then ask the user for a guess. Using a while loop, the user will keep attempting to guess the selected random number until the correct guess is obtained, afterwhich the user will have the option of continuing play or exiting.
==== 2. USAGE ====
The user enters various options into the program via the commandline. An example of how the commandline can be used is given below.
python3 [-h] [-v] -s [seed] -m 2 -M 353
Where the brackets are meant to represent features which are optional, meaning the user does not have to specify them at run time.
The -m and -M options are mandatory.
• -M is best picked as a large prime integer
• -m is best picked as an integer in the range of 2,3,..,M-1
NOTE: The use of commandline arguments is not mandatory. If any of the mandatory options are not selected, the program uses its own logic to generate random numbers.
==== 3. FEATURES ====
The following lists and explains the command line argument options.
• -s (seed): Seed takes an integer as a parameter and is used to seed the random number generator. When omitted, the program uses its own logic to seed the generator
• -v (verbose): Turn on debugging messages.
• -h (help): Print out a help message which tells the user how to run the program and a brief description of the program.
• -m (minimum): Set the minimum of the range of numbers the program will select its numbers from.
• -M (maximum): Set the maximum of the range of numbers the program will select its numbers from.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 |
# ============================================================================= # Name: K Perkins # Date: Aug 6, 2013 # Taken From: # File: # Description: This is the module which uses a random number # generator to simulate a simple guessing game. This program will seed the # random number generator (located in the file, select a number at # random, and then ask the user for a guess. The user will keep attempting # to guess the selected random number until the correct guess is obtained, # afterwhich the user will have the option of continuing play or exiting # ============================================================================= # Sample commandline: -s 3454 -m 1 -M 1000 import sys, pdb from MyRNG import * def Usage(status, msg = ""): # Function prints out usage directions aswell as a simple # message if a string is sent as a 2nd parameter if(msg): print(msg) print("nUSAGE:n ", sys.argv[0],"[-h help] [-v] [-s seed] [-m minimum number]", "[-M maximum number]") sys.exit(status) def IsWarmer(userGuess, numGuess, randomNumber): # Function determines if the current number the user guesses is closer # to the random number than the previous guess. # Function returns TRUE if current user guess is 'warmer' # than previous, otherwise returns FALSE currGuessDifference = userGuess[numGuess] - randomNumber currGuessDifference = math.fabs(currGuessDifference) prevGuessDifference = userGuess[numGuess-1] - randomNumber prevGuessDifference = math.fabs(prevGuessDifference) if(currGuessDifference < prevGuessDifference): return True else: return False def main(): # This is the 'main' function which first takes a string via the commandline # and parses it to determine various modes of operation, namely being # 'seed,' 'minimum,' and 'maximum.' After the commandline options # are obtained, that information is sent to the MyRNG class in order # to generate a random number. After a random number is found, using # a while loop, the user is prompted to try and guess that specified # number, repeatedly doing so until a correct guess is found # declare variables index = 0 # counter which is used to index the sys.argv string verbose = False choices = (("y"),("yes"),("n"),("no")) # This is to be used for the while loop seed = 806189064 # saves the seed from the command line minimum = 1 # saves the minimum num from the command line maximum = 1000 # saves the maximum num from the command line loop = True # this controls the while loop randomNumber = 0 # this saves the random number from the generator userGuess = [] # this saves the user guesses numGuess = 0 # this is the counter wgich keeps track of the num of usr guesses newGame = True # bool to determine if the user is playing a new game programDescr = """nDESCRIPTION: The following is a simple guessing game in which the user is prompted to guess a number and the computer determines if the guess is above, below or exactly the random number which was selected.""" # == determine if the user entered enough args via commandline == # if(len(sys.argv) < 1): #if not enough args, stop the program and print an error message Usage(1, "n** Must provide atleast 1 argument") # == parse thru the argv string to find the appropriate tokens == # for currentArg in sys.argv: if(currentArg == "-h"): # print out the usage message and exit. Usage(2, programDescr) elif(currentArg == "-v"): # set verbose mode to be true for debugging messages verbose = True elif(currentArg == "-s"): # set the seed here # if the user doesnt specify a seed, the # default is my CWID if((index+1 < len(sys.argv)) and (sys.argv[index+1].isdigit())): seed = int(sys.argv[index+1]) else: seed = 806189064 elif currentArg == "-m": # set the minimum here # if the user doesnt specify a min, the default is 1 if((index+1 < len(sys.argv)) and (sys.argv[index+1].isdigit())): minimum = int(sys.argv[index+1]) else: minimum = 1 elif currentArg == "-M": # set the maximum here # if the user doesnt specify a max, the default is 1000 if((index+1 < len(sys.argv)) and (sys.argv[index+1].isdigit())): maximum = int(sys.argv[index+1]) else: maximum = 1000 # increment the index counter index += 1 # print debugging messages if debug mode is on if(verbose): print ("nThis message only appears if verbose mode is turned on.") print (""" ** To continue seeing debugging messages, press the "n" button when prompted. To print the current value of variables, press the "p" button followed by the name of the variable you wish to print. Press the "l" button to visually see where you are in the programs souce code. To quit debugging, press the "c" button.n""") pdb.set_trace() print("nSeed = %d, Minimum = %d, Maximum = %d" %(seed, minimum, maximum)) # == declare the class object == # random = MyRNG(minimum, maximum) random.Seed(seed) randomNumber = random.Next() print("nI'm thinking of a number between %d and %d" ". Go ahead and make your first guess. " %(minimum, maximum)) # * this is the while loop which simulates a guessing game. # * the loop gets a number from the user and determines if the # user input is a "winner, warmer, or colder" in relation to the # random number which was generated. # * once the user guesses correctly, they have a choice of continuing # play or exiting the game. If they choose to play again, a new # random number is generated while(loop): userGuess.append(int(input(">> "))) if(newGame): newGame = False if((userGuess[numGuess] > randomNumber) or (userGuess[numGuess] < randomNumber)): print("nSorry that was not correct, please try again...n") elif((userGuess[numGuess] > randomNumber) or (userGuess[numGuess] < randomNumber)): if(IsWarmer(userGuess, numGuess, randomNumber)): print("nWARMERn") else: print("nCOLDERn") if(userGuess[numGuess] == randomNumber): print("nWINNER! You have guessed correctly!") print("It took you %d attempt(s) to find the answer!" %(numGuess+1)) del userGuess[:] numGuess = -1 answer = input("nWould you like to play again? (Yes or No): ") answer = answer.lower() if(answer in choices[:2]): randomNumber = random.Next() print("nMake a guess between %d and %dn" %(minimum, maximum)) newGame = True elif((answer in choices[2:]) or (answer not in choices[2:])): loop = False numGuess += 1 print("nThanks for playing!!") if __name__ == "__main__": main() # |
The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.
The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Once compiled, you should get this as your output:
Seed = 806189064, Minimum = 1, Maximum = 1000
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1000. Go ahead and make your first guess.
>> 500Sorry that was not correct, please try again...
>> 400
>> 600
>> 300
>> 150
>> 100
>> 180
>> 190
>> 130
>> 128
WINNER! You have guessed correctly!
It took you 10 attempt(s) to find the answer!Would you like to play again? (Yes or No): y
Make a guess between 1 and 1000
>> 500
Sorry that was not correct, please try again...
>> 600
>> 400
>> 300
>> 280
>> 260
>> 250
>> 256
WINNER! You have guessed correctly!
It took you 8 attempt(s) to find the answer!Would you like to play again? (Yes or No): n
Thanks for playing!!
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