Python || Which Interpreter To Use?

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Unlike compiled programming languages such as C, C++ or Java, Python is an interpreted language. Since this is the case, the type of interpreter you use will probably be the same no matter which programming environment you select. You can download the official Python interpreter here. Python version 3 will be featured throughout this site.

If you are using Windows, download the file named “Python 3.X.X Windows x86 MSI Installer“. If you are using Ubuntu, type the following command into the terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3

In terms of which IDE to use, there are a few choices, and your choice should probably be based on what you intend to write with it.

If you intend to program on Windows, the path of least resistance is to try the IDLE which comes bundled with the Windows installation of Python. This provides you with a straightforward IDE with (obviously) good integration with the Windows platform. This IDE is free, but is very basic and is almost like a simple text editor. So if you wish to go this route, there are other alternatives which are more beneficial and practical for use, such as Notepad++ or Gedit.

As far as IDE’s go, Eclipse grouped with PyDev is a popular alternative, as is PyScripter. Both of these will also give you a visual debugger and a build environment.

Ultimately, my opinion is, if you’re just starting out, go with Notepad++ or Gedit. Then when you’re more comfortable with what you’re doing – explore the alternatives.

Personally, I use PyScripter, and all the code that is posted on this site was created using that IDE

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