Tag Archives: math

Python || Simple Math Using Int & Float

This page will display the use of int and float data types. Since python is a flexible programming language, variable data types do not need to be explicitly declared like in C/C++/Java, but they still exist within the grand scheme of things.


To add two numbers together, you will have to first declare your variables by doing something like this.

Notice in lines 12-14, I declared my variables, giving them a name. You can name your variables anything you want, with a rule of thumb as naming them something meaningful to your code (i.e avoid giving your variables arbitrary names like “x” or “y”). In line 22 the actual math process is taking place, storing the sum of “num1” and “num2” in a variable called “total.” I also initialized my variables to zero. You should always initialize your variables before you use them.

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 25
Please enter the second number: 1
The sum of 25 and 1 is: 26


Subtracting two numbers works the same way as the above code, and we would only need to edit the above code in one place to achieve that. In line 22, replace the addition symbol with a subtraction sign, and you should have something like this:

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 25
Please enter the second number: 1
The difference between 25 and 1 is: 24


This can be achieved the same way as the 2 previous methods, simply by editing line 22, and replacing the designated math operator with the star symbol “*”.

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 24
The product of 8 and 24 is: 192


The resulting code will basically be the same as the other previous three, only instead of our variables being of type int within the print statement, they will be of type float.

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 1
Please enter the second number: 25
The quotient of 1 and 25 is: 0.040000

==== MODULUS ====

If you wanted to capture the remainder of the quotient you calculated from the above code, you would use the modulus operator (%).

From the above code, you would only need to edit line 22, from division, to modulus.

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 1
Please enter the second number: 25
1 mod 25 is: 1

C++ || Snippet – How To Convert A Decimal Number Into Binary

This page will demonstrate how to convert a decimal number (i.e a whole number) into its binary equivalent. So for example, if the decimal number of 26 was entered into the program, it would display the converted binary value of 11010.


How To Count In Binary
The "Long" Datatype - What Is It?
While Loops
Online Binary to Decimal Converter - Verify For Correct Results
How To Reverse A String

If you are looking for sample code which converts binary to decimal, check back here soon!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Note: The code was compiled 3 separate times to display different output

====== RUN 1 ======

Please enter an integer value: 1987

The integer value of 1987 = 11111000011 in binary

====== RUN 2 ======

Please enter an integer value: -26

The integer value of -26 = -11010 in binary

====== RUN 3 ======

Please enter an integer value: 12345678910

The integer value of 12345678910 = 1011011111110111000001110000111110 in binary

Java || Snippet – How To Do Simple Math Using Integer Arrays

This page will consist of simple programs which demonstrate the process of doing simple math with numbers that are stored in an integer array.


Integer Arrays
The "Random" Class
For Loops
Assignment Operators - Simple Math Operations
Custom Setw/Setfill In Java

Note: In all of the examples on this page, a random number generator was used to place numbers into the array. If you do not know how to obtain data from the user, or if you do not know how to insert data into an array, click here for a demonstration.

===== ADDITION =====

The first code snippet will demonstrate how to add numbers together which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “+=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Original array values:
22 26 41 89 35 90 15 99 85 5 95 86
The sum of the items in the array is: 688

===== SUBTRACTION =====

The second code snippet will demonstrate how to subtract numbers which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “-=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Original array values:
99 92 91 26 1 52 98 62 51 22 64 65
The difference of the items in the array is: -723


The third code snippet will demonstrate how to multiply numbers which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “*=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Original array values:
95 63 32 19 93 83 71 35 32 37 66 95
The product of the items in the array is: 494770176

===== DIVISION =====

The fourth code snippet will demonstrate how to divide numbers which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “/=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Original array values:
28 85 90 52 1 64 93 85 4 22 4 28
The quotient of the items in the array is: 1.8005063061510687E-17

Java || Snippet – How To Convert A Decimal Number Into Binary

This page will demonstrate how to convert a decimal number (i.e a whole number) into its binary equivalent. So for example, if the decimal number of 25 was entered into the program, it would display the converted binary value of 11001.


How To Count In Binary
The "Long" Datatype - What Is It?
Methods (A.K.A "Functions") - What Are They?
While Loops
Online Binary to Decimal Converter - Verify For Correct Results

If you are looking for sample code which converts binary to decimal, check back here soon!

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
Note: The code was compiled 3 separate times to display different output

====== RUN 1 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter an integer value: 5

The integer value of 5 = 101 in binary

====== RUN 2 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter an integer value: -25

The integer value of -25 = -11001 in binary

====== RUN 3 ======

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Please enter an integer value: 12345678910

The integer value of 12345678910 = 1011011111110111000001110000111110 in binary

Java || Find The Prime, Perfect & All Known Divisors Of A Number Using A For, While & Do/While Loop

This program was designed to better understand how to use different loops which are available in Java, as well as more practice using objects with classes.

This program first asks the user to enter a non negative number. After it obtains a non negative integer from the user, the program determines if the user obtained number is a prime number or not, aswell as determining if the user obtained number is a perfect number or not. After it obtains its results, the program will display to the screen if the user inputted number is prime/perfect number or not. The program will also display a list of all the possible divisors of the user obtained number via stdout.


Class Objects - How TO Use
Constructors - What Are They?
Do/While Loop
While Loop
For Loop
Basic Math - Prime Numbers
Basic Math - Perfect Numbers
Basic Math - Divisors

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:

Enter a number: 41

Input number: 41
41 is a prime number.
41 is not a perfect number.
Divisors of 41 are: 1, and 41

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): y
Enter a number: 496

Input number: 496
496 is not a prime number.
496 is a perfect number.
Divisors of 496 are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 62, 124, 248, and 496

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): y
Enter a number: 1858

Input number: 1858
1858 is not a prime number.
1858 is not a perfect number.
Divisors of 1858 are: 1, 2, 929, and 1858

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): y
Enter a number: -9

Sorry, but the number entered is less than the allowable limit.
Please try again.....

Enter an number: 12

Input number: 12
12 is not a prime number.
12 is not a perfect number.
Divisors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12

Do you want to input another number?(Y/N): n

Java || Find The Average Using an Array – Omit Highest And Lowest Scores

This page will consist of two programs which calculates the average of a specific amount of numbers using an array.


Double Data Type
Final Variables
For Loops
Assignment Operators
Basic Math - How To Find The Average


The first program is fairly simple, and it was used to introduce the array concept. The program prompts the user to enter the total amount of numbers they want to find the average for, then the program displays the answer to them via stdout.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

Notice the array declaration on line #13. The type of array being used in this program is a dynamic array, which has the ability to store up to 100 integer elements in the array. You can change the number of elements its able to store to a higher or lower number if you wish.

Lines 27-32 contains a for loop, which is used to actually store the data inside of the array. Without some type of loop, it is virtually impossible for the user to input data into the array; that is, unless you want to add 100 different println statements into your code asking the user to input data. Line 31 uses the assignment operator “+=” which gives us a running total of the data that is being inputted into the array. Note the loop only stores as many elements as the user so desires, so if the user only wants to input 3 numbers into the array, the for loop will only execute 3 times.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output:

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

How many numbers do you want to find the average for?: 4
Enter value #1: 21
Enter value #2: 24
Enter value #3: 19
Enter value #4: 17
The average of the 4 numbers is 20.25


The second program is really practical in a real world setting. We were asked to create a program for a fictional competition which had 6 judges. The 6 judges each gave a score of the performance for a competitor in a competition, (i.e a score of 1-10), and we were asked to find the average of those scores, omitting the highest/lowest results. The program was to store the scores into an array, display the scores back to the user via stdout, display the highest and lowest scores among the 6 obtained, display the average of the 6 scores, and finally display the average adjusted scores omitting the highest and lowest result.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

A final variable was declared and used to initialize the array (line 7). This was used to initialize the size of the array.

Once again loops were used to traverse the array, as noted on lines 24, 51 and 73. The final variable was also used within the for loops, making it easier to modify the code if its necessary to reduce or increase the number of available judges.

This is noted on lines 35-45, and it is really simple to understand the process once you see the code.

Lines 73-81 highlights this process. The loop basically traverses the array, skipping over the highest/lowest elements.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output

Welcome to My Programming Notes' Java Program.

Judges, enter one score each for
the current competitor: 123 453 -789 2 23345 987

These are the scores from the 6 judges:
The score for judge #1 is: 123.0
The score for judge #2 is: 453.0
The score for judge #3 is: -789.0
The score for judge #4 is: 2.0
The score for judge #5 is: 23345.0
The score for judge #6 is: 987.0

These are the highest and lowest scores:
Highest: 23345.0
Lowest: -789.0
The average score is: 4020.1666666666665
The average adjusted score omitting the highest and lowest result is: 391.25

C++ || Convert Time From Seconds Into Hours, Min, Sec Format

Here is another simple programming assignment. This page will demonstrate how to convert time from -seconds- into HH::MM::SS (hours, minutes seconds) format. So for example, if you had an input time of 9630 seconds, the program would display the converted time of 2 hours, 40 minutes, and 30 seconds.

Using simple math, this program utilizes the modulus operator, and the division operator during the conversion process.


Modulus - What is it?
How Many Seconds Are In One Hour?
How Many Seconds Are In One Minute?

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
(Note: the code was compiled five separate times to display different output)

====== RUN 1 ======

Enter a time in seconds: 9630

The time in HH:MM:SS format is: 2 hours, 40 minutes, and 30 seconds!

====== RUN 2 ======

Enter a time in seconds: 7200

The time in HH:MM:SS format is: 2 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds!

====== RUN 3 ======

Enter a time in seconds: 45

The time in HH:MM:SS format is: 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 45 seconds!

====== RUN 4 ======

Enter a time in seconds: 134

The time in HH:MM:SS format is: 0 hours, 2 minutes, and 14 seconds!

====== RUN 5 ======

Enter a time in seconds: 31536000

The time in HH:MM:SS format is: 8760 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds!

Java || Simple Math Using Int & Double

This page will display the use of int and double data types.


To add two numbers together, you will have to first declare your variables by doing something like this.

Notice in lines 14-16, I declared my variables, giving them a name. You can name your variables anything you want, with a rule of thumb as naming them something meaningful to your code (i.e avoid giving your variables arbitrary names like “x” or “y”). In line 29 the actual math process is taking place, storing the sum of “num1” and “num2” in a variable called “sum.” I also initialized my variables to zero. You should always initialize your variables.

I obtained data from the user by using the Scanner Class.


*** This can be achieved by typing the following command:
(Notice the .java source file is named exactly the same as the class header)

javac Add.java

*** To run the compiled program, simply type this command:

java Add

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 24
The sum of 8 and 24 is: 32


Subtracting two ints works the same way as the above code, and we would only need to edit the above code in one place to achieve that. In line 29, replace the addition symbol with a subtraction sign, and you should have something like this

Note: In the above example, “cin.nextDouble()” was used on line 26 in place of “nextInt.” The declaration “nextDouble” can be used in place of “nextInt” in case you want to obtain floating point data from the user.


*** This can be achieved by typing the following command:
(Notice the .java source file is named exactly the same as the class header)

javac Subtract.java

*** To run the compiled program, simply type this command:

java Subtract

The above code should give you the following output

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 23.99999
The difference between 8 and 23.99999 is: -15.99999


This can be achieved the same way as the 2 previous methods, simply by editing line 29, and replacing the designated math operator with the star symbol “*”.


*** This can be achieved by typing the following command:
(Notice the .java source file is named exactly the same as the class header)

javac Multiply.java

*** To run the compiled program, simply type this command:

java Multiply

The above code should give you the following output

Please enter the first number: 7.999999
Please enter the second number: 24
The product of 7.999999 and 24 is: 191.99997


In division, when you divide numbers together, sometimes they end in decimals. Int data types can not store decimal data (try it yourself and see), so here is where the use of the double data type is mandatory.


*** This can be achieved by typing the following command:
(Notice the .java source file is named exactly the same as the class header)

javac Divide.java

*** To run the compiled program, simply type this command:

java Divide

The above code should give the following output

Please enter the first number: 7.99999
Please enter the second number: 23.99999
The quotient of 7.99999 and 23.99999 is: 0.33333305

==== MODULUS ====

If you wanted to capture the remainder of the quotient you calculated from the above code, you would use the modulus operator (%).

From the above code, you would only need to edit line 29, from division, to modulus.


*** This can be achieved by typing the following command:
(Notice the .java source file is named exactly the same as the class header)

javac Modulus.java

*** To run the compiled program, simply type this command:

java Modulus

The above code should give the following output

Please enter the first number: 23.99999
Please enter the second number: 8
The remainder of 23.99999 and 8 is: 7.9999905

C++ || Cash Register Simulation – Display The Total Sales Amount In Dollars & Cents Using Modulus

The following is a simple program which demonstrates more use of the modulus (%) function to manipulate integer data.


Type Casting - Int
The Value Of U.S Currency

This program first prompts the user to enter in a monetary amount into the system. This number can be a decimal number, or a whole number. Once the user enters in an amount, the program will use the modulus operator to determine exactly how many 1 dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies consisted of the amount that the user entered into the program. So for example, if the user entered the value of 2.34, the program would display the result of 2 dollars, 1 quarters, 0 dimes, 1 nickels, and 4 pennies.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Once compiled, you should get this as your output
(Note: the code was compile three separate times to display different output)

====== RUN 1 ======

Enter the total sales amount in dollars & cents (for example 19.87): 19.87

The amount of $19.87 consists of:
19 dollar(s)
3 quarter(s)
1 dime(s)
0 nickel(s)
2 pennie(s)

====== RUN 2 ======

Enter the total sales amount in dollars & cents (for example 19.87): 11.93

The amount of $11.93 consists of:
11 dollar(s)
3 quarter(s)
1 dime(s)
1 nickel(s)
3 pennie(s)

====== RUN 3 ======

Enter the total sales amount in dollars & cents (for example 19.87): 3.00

The amount of $3 consists of:
3 dollar(s)
0 quarter(s)
0 dime(s)
0 nickel(s)
0 pennie(s)

C++ || Snippet – How To Do Simple Math Using Integer Arrays

This page will consist of simple programs which demonstrate the process of doing simple math with numbers that are stored in an integer array.


Integer Arrays
For Loops
Assignment Operators - Simple Math Operations

Note: In all of the examples on this page, a random number generator was used to place numbers into the array. If you do not know how to obtain data from the user, or if you do not know how to insert data into an array, click here for a demonstration.

===== ADDITION =====

The first code snippet will demonstrate how to add numbers together which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “+=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Original array values
64 85 44 31 35 2 94 67 12 80 97 10
The sum of the items in the array is: 621

===== SUBTRACTION =====

The second code snippet will demonstrate how to subtract numbers which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “-=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Original array values
10 43 77 10 2 17 87 67 6 95 57 18
The difference of the items in the array is: -489


The third code snippet will demonstrate how to multiply numbers which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “*=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Original array values
33 36 52 28 4 99 97 17 42 81 83 33
The product of the items in the array is: 1803759104

===== DIVISION =====

The fourth code snippet will demonstrate how to divide numbers which are stored in an integer array. This example uses the “/=” assignment operator.

The highlighted lines are sections of interest to look out for.

The code is heavily commented, so no further insight is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


Original array values
75 38 59 14 53 42 29 88 92 27 69 16
The quotient of the items in the array is: 2.72677e-020

C++ || Simple Math Using Integer & Double

This page will display the use of int and double data types.


To add two numbers together, you will have to first declare your variables by doing something like this.

Notice in lines 12-14, I declared my variables, giving them a name. You can name your variables anything you want, with a rule of thumb as naming them something meaningful to your code (i.e avoid giving your variables arbitrary names like “x” or “y”). In line 22 the actual math process is taking place, storing the sum of “num1” and “num2” in a variable called “sum.” I also initialized my variables to zero. You should always initialize your variables.

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 24
The sum of 8 and 24 is: 32


Subtracting two numbers works the same way as the above code, and we would only need to edit the above code in one place to achieve that. In line 22, replace the addition symbol with a subtraction sign, and you should have something like this:

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 24
The difference between 8 and 24 is: -16


This can be achieved the same way as the 2 previous methods, simply by editing line 22, and replacing the designated math operator with the star symbol “*”.

The above code should give you the following output:

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 24
The product of 8 and 24 is: 192


This one is a little different from the other three. Before we would use integer variables to store our data. In division, when you divide numbers together, sometimes they end in decimals. Integer data types can not store decimal data (try it yourself and see), so here is where we use a floating point data type to store the values.

So the resulting code will basically be the same as the other previous three, only instead of our variables being of type int, they will be of type double.

The above code should give the following output:

Please enter the first number: 8
Please enter the second number: 24
The quotient of 8 and 24 is: 0.333333

==== MODULUS ====

If you wanted to capture the remainder of the quotient you calculated from the above code, you would use the modulus operator (%).

From the above code, you would only need to edit line 22, from division, to modulus.

The above code should give the following output:

Please enter the first number: 24
Please enter the second number: 8
The remainder of 24 and 8 is: 0