Category Archives: C++

C++ || Snippet – How To Use Fork & Pipe For Interprocess Communication

The following is sample code which demonstrates the use of the fork, read, and write function calls for use with pipes on

C++ || Snippet – How To Use Fork & Execlp For Interprocess Communication

The following is sample code which demonstrates the use of the “fork” and “execlp” function calls on Unix based systems. The “fork”

C++ || Snippet – Simple Timer Class Using The Clock Function

The following is sample code for a simple timer class using the “clock()” function. The “clock” function returns the processor time that

C++ || Snippet – Custom “Shuffle” Function For Arrays

The following is a custom “Shuffle” function which shuffles the contents of an array. This function rearranges each item within the array

C++ || Snippet – Custom “For Each” Iterator Function For Arrays

A “For Each” algorithm is a function that iterates over all the elements contained in a storage collection, and calls a separate

C++ || Custom Template Hash Map With Iterator Using Separate Chaining

Before we get into the code, what is a Hash Map? Simply put, a Hash Map is an extension of a Hash

C++ || Snippet – How To Display The Current Working Directory

The following is sample code which demonstrates how to display the current working directory of the program when its properties were initialized.

C++ || Snippet – How To Convert A Decimal Number Into Binary

This page will demonstrate how to convert a decimal number (i.e a whole number) into its binary equivalent. So for example, if

C++ || Custom Template Hash Table With Iterator Using Separate Chaining

Looking for sample code for a Hash Map? Click here! Before we get into the code, what is a Hash Table? Simply

C++ || Snippet – Simple Linked List Using Delete, Insert, & Display Functions

The following is sample code for a simple linked list, which implements the following functions: “Delete, Insert, and Display.” The sample code

C++ || Snippet – Custom Template Linked List Sample Code

This page will consist of sample code for a singly linked list, which is loosely based on the built in C++ “List”

C++ || Snippet – How To Swap Two Numbers Without Using A Third “Temporary” Variable

The following are three programs which demonstrates how to swap two numbers without using a third “temporary” variable. Why would anyone want

C++ || Snippet – Palindrome Checker Using A Stack & Queue

  Click Here For Updated Version Of Program This page consists of a sample program which demonstrates how to use a stack

C++ || Snippet – Singly Linked List Custom Template Queue Sample Code

This page will consist of sample code for a custom singly linked list template queue. This implementation differs from the previously highlighted